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Late Night Nostalgic Session: High School Musical


Hmm. Sebenernya saya pengen ngepost tentang manga-manga yang saya baca, tapi tiba-tiba keinginan berkata lain. Waktu mau ngepost ini saya lagi baca salah satu manga yang nanti judulnya saya kasih tau (mungkin di postingan selanjutnya? :)) sambil streaming youtube nyari-nyari video High School Musical. I know, I know. Don't judge me. Cuma mau dengerin lagu-lagunya lagi kok, eh kebetulan masih hapal beberapa, haha.

Well, dari ketiga film HSM, ada satu scene yang paling saya suka. Scene 'Can I Have This Dance' di rooftop. Romantic~ suka~

Kamu belum liat? Here's the video. Check it out, fall in love with the song, the dance, and the stare they both shared.


Mommy's birthday

Halo, Ma.
Puput ngetik ini di jam 23.16 WIB. It's still your birthday, so it's okay, right?

I just wanna wish you the happiest happy birthday from the deepest of my heart.
Maaf cuma bisa ngucapin lewat bbm, lewat telfon, dan lewat tulisan ini.
Tapi put harap, wherever you are, you'll always be happy.
Masih doa yang sama yang selalu Put panjatkan kepada Allah, semoga mama papa selalu sehat, diringankan bebannya, dikuatkan hatinya, dijauhkan dari orang-orang yang berniat tidak baik, selalu dilindungi, dilancarkan rezekinya, dan selalu dibahagiakan. Gimanapun sikap Puput ke Mama, ke Papa, but believe me, you will always be my precious people. So, please, be happy whenever and wherever you are.

Put pulangnya nanti ya, Ma.
Setelah semuanya selesai, dan mungkin sekalian bawa undangan wisuda? Hehe.

So, Happy birthday, Mom.
Let me sent you a hug from here.

Semarang, 24 Mei 2015

semoga cepat kumpul lagi :)



You're back!
*for awhile, never mind

You're in town! 
*that's the best part!

YEAY !!!
*jumping up and down*

Helikopter terbang di atas kamarku pas lagi ngetik ini.

Nafsu makanku membaik, moodku membaik, suhu badanku juga sepertinya mulai membaik.
I am a happy girl right now. *dance*

Tapi gapapa kok, kalau nanti kamu pulang lagi :)
I'll be stronger than before. Jangan sampe kamu kepikiran.
Karena ada banyak hal penting yang harus menyita pikiranmu.
What's that?
Your future.
(Can I say 'our future'? Hihi)

Hey! I will do my very best to support you. Jadi, kamu harus semangat!
Rencana Tuhan itu lebih indah, lebih menjanjikan dari apapun. Kamu tau Thomas Alva Edison? Dia menolak disebut gagal. Dia bilang dia hanya menemukan banyak cara yang tidak berhasil membuat lampu pijar menyala.
See the positive in everything, my dear. Insya Allah, you'll find the way.

Gitu kata abang Maher Zein. Hoho.

And nooooooow that you are here, aku siap jadi cheerleader! *dance with pompom*
Aku bakal manfaatin waktu sebaik-baiknyaaaaa, semaksimal-maksimalnya untuk ngabisin waktu sama kamu. Siap-siap aku recokin pagi siang malam hahaha :p

Udah malem, tidur, gih, Gih :)
Sampe ketemu besok *yeaaaaaay*



18.06 12 Mei 2015

Di atas kasur. Sendirian. Abis menang ngelawan kecoa kelima di minggu ini.

Tapi, idup masih sepi-sepi aja :)
Sejak jumat sore itu, Semarang jadi ga asik lagi.
Sudah berapa liter air mata yang dikeluarin karena kesepian?
Aku pikir ini bakal selesai kalau sudah ngelewatin hari jumat.
Aku bisa tidur nyenyak di jumat malam.
Tapi, sabtu paginya, aku masih bangun dengan mata bengkak karna tangisan.
Sudah minta tolong kesana sini, tapi belum ada yang bersambut.

Setiap pagi jadi bangun dengan rambut yang rontok hebat.
Di pangkas habis aja apa?
Tapi nanti ga bagus lagi kalau pake kerudung.
Jadi, harus ngapain, aku?


that cafe with a library in it

I've talked about this before, that I have this one bookcase in my bedroom full filled with only comics. My mom always told me to make a small library in the field in front of our house and let the kids in my neighborhood use them to read. The younger me didn't really giving a thought of it actually. I like reading (especially comics, at that time) so I buy what I read. So I bought so many comics, and started to bought books too. It's something to be proud of, when I saw my collections in the corner of my room, bunch of books I read. I even sleep with books.

So, when I hear about this place called Cafe Buku Deqiko in Semarang, where they have cafe in the first floor and a library in the second floor, I recalled those times my mom told me about her idea. And when I visited the library, I awe their collections of comics. So many comics! And suddenly I began to feel like a kid again. Wohooo I'm a happy kid when it comes to books! I took a comic I want to read and sat in the chair. I looked around and thought things like, 'maybe if I make a library of my collections in front of my house and let the kids sit there and read, the feelings will pretty much like this place'. Overall I enjoyed my time there and thinking I probably will be going there repeatedly, since the cost is pretty cheap too hihi. Ps: the library seems like a good spot to take some photos. Those kids do that. Me too, actually :)) Enjoy my picture, fellas.

berasa perpus sendiri gitu, ya

can't resist taking a picture when the weather was so nice. 
lah mbak, mana bukunya yang dibacaaa

serius amat mas, baca komiknya
oya, ini pacar saya, hoho

lah ini mbaknya, malah tidur tidur cantik

a happy couple that find a perfect place for another date :)

I enjoy my time here
I'll come again, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow~
see you there!


Same Here

"I feel like I'm trying my best. But somewhere inside, I've given up. But at the same time, I don't want to give up, and I end up getting angry at Yano. I'm a horrible girlfriend, aren't I?

- Takahashi


Before Sleep Post

I start to use my little cute dreamy notebook properly. I write in them, any things in my head that I think it's too private to post here. It turns out to be a looooong writing. But I'll keep write here too. Not now, sadly. I've got deadlines to take care of. Wish me a good health! Wish you a good health too!